Full Moon In Leo February 2023

Because I f*@&ing sparkle, that’s why. 

This is the energy of today. The old stories that are so played out in our heads and hearts need to eff off once and for all. What is holding you back from your dreams, aspirations, from being your most wonderfully weird authentic self? Sit with this a moment and see what pops in, the first thing that comes to mind is your intuition. TRUST. Trust that your body just gave you valuable information on how to become more present and move forward in your most authentic way. Leo is the sign of glamour, luxury, playfulness. 

What makes you feel sparkly and royal? Do that. Wear a crown whether invisible or an actual crown. Who cares what ‘they’ think. Walking out into the world with a new found confidence. The sun is shining in my apartment as I write this, reminding me of the power of our inner light. When you sparkle from the inside out, people can feel it, they sense it, they see it. 

Leo rules the heart space. The heart has such a deep wisdom and it’s where our inner children reside. Tap into your heart and see what “little you” needs and take care of those needs. This could be as simple as acknowledging their presence within you to taking yourself out for an ice cream or your fave Starbucks drink. Luxury need not be complicated. Sometimes it’s the smallest and simplest of acts that bring us the biggest boost. The energy of the full moon is supporting you in this today. Ride this energy and allow your day to flow as you float from one moment to the next. Trust that your heart is guiding you to exactly where you need to be. You may feel called to try something new, don’t overthink it, do it. When we are actively trying to shift away from old patterns, it is important to shake things up in our regular routine. It may feel strange at first and that’s ok, do it anyhow. Kids don’t overthink their playing time, they just flit from one thing to another. As you float through your day, led by your heart, remember you will leave a little sparkle wherever you go.

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